Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. A battery management system is primarily in place to maintain proper and safe functionality of batteries in different operational scenarios. A Battery Operating System is meant to manipulate inputs and outputs of the battery digitally to allow the core battery chemistry to perform in a variety of different ways.

  • Yes. Early computers used to have operating systems that made the use of different programs very difficult or time consuming. New operating systems allowed the adoption of new capabilities or ‘apps’. Our Battery Operating System is designed to scale up and down in size allowing the integration of new battery chemistries in to a variety of new products.

  • Every battery chemistry has unique properties that make integration with different products very specific. The world has built a general standard around the most common battery technologies creating a barrier for technologies that fall outside of that standard. Oversimplified, it is a square peg round hold problem.

  • Many battery chemistries have existed only in very specific industries such as military or industrial use cases. Their unique integration requirements have prevented them from entering new markets despite some of the benefits to these technologies. This has led to a few common battery chemistries becoming what we are most familiar with.

  • Energy density is a very dynamic and over mis-represented topic when it comes to batteries. Energy density of a battery changes from a variety of factors of usage and environmental conditions but has often led the conversation due to the need for maximum run time for cells phones in EVs. However, when all factors are considered, batteries with lower energy density at the cell level can outperform higher energy dense technologies in terms of energy and power.

  • To produce, procure, ship, and use a battery is very carbon intensive. Batteries themselves are not inherently carbon neutral until they offset the carbon equivalent that was required to make them. They do this by being charged from renewable energy over time. So, the longer a battery lasts, the longer it is offsetting the carbon emissions required to make it.

  • Standard lithium ion batteries degrade in a way that increases the failure risk of thermal runaway. They have certain failure modes from damage that lead to internal short circuit and fire. LTO combined with our Battery Operating System eliminate every major cause of thermal runaway; and even if a cell is damaged or punctured, the core chemistry will phase change to prevent itself from going into thermal runaway.